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Wine stopper stands and displays


Wine stoppers feature stainless steel tips in assorted styles


Bowls, platters, turned boxes and more.


Cutlery sets, pizza cutters, bottle openers, shaving brushes and more...

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Pizza Cutters


Pizza Cutters

Pizza cutters feature removable handles and a solid wood block for storage and easy access. Currently I have the storage blocks in three drifferent types of wood. They are NW Maple, Alder Wood and Walnut. Shown are some of my current sets. More are available.

Added to my collection are Pizza/Pie Servers. These servers are large stainless steel wedges with removable handles. The servers come standard with an easy to display holder or may be purchased with a end grain serving platter. Holder and server platters can vary in wood choices.

Email or Call for pricing

Swiss Pear-NW Maple Holder

product image 1


Tigerwood-Alder Wood Holder

product image 2


Hormigo-Walnut Holder

product image 3



Pizza/Pie Server

pizza/pie server

Left- Hormigo: Right-Yellow heart




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